Django file upload form.
How to create a Django form to upload files.
Creating a Django form is quite looking a little difficult and a form to upload file is may look more complex.
But it is not, here is the step by step tutorial for creating a Django form.
Step 1:- Create a project.
Step 2:- Directory is looking like that
Now we need to make some changes in to add HTML pages.
Set ‘DIRS’: [‘templates’]
Also set template_dirs and media_root at end of setting .py.
Create a directory of name templates (Based upon the name given in file)
Step 4:- open the and edit into.
Step 5:- Create a file this file upload files uploaded from forms.html.
Step 7:- Create a directory media (where all the media will be store ), after all of that complete directory is look like that.
Finally, run the project.
Run command “python runserver”.
Server is created at
Now open this at any browser and upload file.
upload any media hear.
It will save into media folder.
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Originally published at on May 4, 2020.